Channel: Sorted Food
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: pass it on sortedsortedfood ultimate battleepic chef battlebudget mealssortedfood £5 cooking battlemidweek mealrecipe challenge$5 meals recipeshealthy recipesultimate battlesortedfood£5 cooking challengesortedfood battlecooking battlebudget recipes$5 mealssorted foodsortedfood blooperssorted food boysbudget challengefeed 4 for £5ramenfamily mealshealthycooking challenge£5 dinner£5 midweek mealhealthy dinner ideas
Description: It’s time to challenge the boys to another ULTIMATE £5 BUDGET BATTLE!! 30 minutes, 4 portions and ONLY £5 to spend! Can it be done?! Wanna become an awesome home cook? Sign up to our Sidekick app and be the hero of your kitchen: Want to cook up the delicious meals featured?! Get the recipes HERE: Mike’s Chicken and Pie Recipe: Barry’s Broth Recipe: Jamie’s "Bread-panadas" Recipe: #SortedFood #UltimateBattle #CheapMeals